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Welcome, Vendors!


OPERATION:  Saturday and Sunday mid-May through mid-October.  Monday 3-day events: Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Columbus Day.  Sally L. Gore, Manager/Vendor Coordinator: Mailing address: PO Box 22, Wilmington, VT  05363-0022.  Phone:  802-380-5664.   E-mail:   or Web:


SPACE RENTAL:  Personnel are available Friday eve. 5:00 to 6:00 P.M. and Saturday/Sunday at 7:00 A.M. to assist with space for first come, first served vendors.  Space size is 22’X20’ marked in white field paint.  A vehicle or trailer is required within this space.  Tarps and tents must be securely staked or tied down with rope NOT bungee cords.  Vendors are responsible for the liability of their tents as well as what occurs within their space.  Center isles are to remain clear for emergency use and public walkways.  PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE TARPS ON GRASS…kills grass roots!


RENTAL FEE:   Daily fee of $25 is collected at 9 A.M.   Vendors with an assigned space may pay by check.  A ticket will be rendered for each paid space…HOLD ticket to check for #‘s drawn and posted in the Office window.  Two daily winners:   space refund and food coupon.


SALES TAX:    Vendors conducting business in Vermont (selling items for profit) are required to hold a Vermont Sales Tax license.    PLEASE DISPLAY IN  VENDOR SPACE.   Vermont sales tax is 7%, including the Village of Wilmington’s  1% option tax.   Personal items sold do not require tax.  Direct questions or application assistance to:  Vermont Department of Taxes, ATTN: Sales and Use Tax, PO Box 547, Montpelier, VT 05601-0547.   The State can also be reached by calling: Taxpayer Services (802)828-2551 or e-mail:


NO RESERVATIONS:  All vendors without permanent spaces are to line-up to the right of the circular drive.  Space will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.  Vendors staying for two days are asked to leave something within their space to indicate second-day use.


PERMANENT SPACE:  Permanent vendors may arrive on Friday to set up.  Permanent vendors must have a Vermont Sales Tax #  and are defined as doing business on the property more than 50% of our season.    Spaces not occupied on Saturday by 7 A.M. will be filled if the vendor has not alerted the office.   Without notification after a two-week period spaces will be eliminated.   When permanent vendors will be absent from their assigned space, please leave a note, phone message, or text PRIOR to 3:00 P.M. FRIDAY:  (802)380-5664.   Permanent space applications may be requested through the office,  turnover is limited,  a  waiting list is in place.


VEHICLES/PARKING:  Vendors’ guests and/or additional vehicles should be parked in lower parking lots during the height of customer parking, 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.  Vendors who must exit when the market is still busy should request personnel to escort their vehicle when driving in walkways.  (Please drive vehicles on roads or walkways in order to save the grass.)


DOGS/PETS:  Shopper and vendor pets are to be leashed during market operation.  Pets are the responsibility of their owners.  Please exercise courtesy and be aware of cleaning up after your pet.


RADIOS/MUSIC/GENERATORS:  Music for personal use must not be played in a manner disturbing to your neighbors.  The operation of generators is allowed from 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. ONLY.


FOOD ON-SITE:   Food is catered from 7:30 A.M. – 3:30 P.M., weather permitting.  Fresh produce and qualified baked goods are allowed.  The market supports pre-arranged fundraising efforts by non-profit church or school groups.


TRASH:  Pack it in, pack it out.   NO unsold merchandise or cardboard boxes are to be left at the market.

PLEASE DO NOT DEPOSIT YOUR TRASH IN FOOD SERVICE AREA.   Use for foodservice patrons only. 


RESTRICTIONS:  No gun sales are permitted.  The exception being, guns qualifying in the antique category.

No Class C fireworks, sparklers, party pops, finger snaps, smoke bombs, etc.   No alcohol!  The State of Vermont has an



THE RIGHT TO REPORT SUCH TO PROPER AUTHORITY.   No smoking paraphernalia (without required licensure), no puppies, dogs, cats or kittens, no risqué magazines, etc.  This country market is family-oriented, social behavior, and common courtesy are expected.   Items the management deems not to be in the best interest of the business will be excluded.    Thank you!


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Open Every Saturday and Sunday mid-May - mid-October 


Also open on Monday holidays:

  • Memorial Day

  • Labor Day

  • Columbus Day

©2024 The Gore Family

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